Saturday, August 30, 2014

Five for Fraturday!

FIRST of all........
We survived thrived in our first week of second grade!!
I have loved teaching K for 4 years, but I can already tell I'm going to LOVE teaching 2nd!!
  1. Ok, so you already know we're in the process of moving back "home" because of my awesome new job in my "home" school...
BUT... the 2 1/2-3 hr. drive each day is pretty tortuous for the time being!
My little guy and I have been staying a few nights with my mom and dad while the hubs holds down the fort on the home front with our 2 dogs.
We JUST got word yesterday that we'll be able to move in our new home on September 10th!!!!!
 I have to say I don't think the little man is minding staying at Mammie and Papaw's :)
On the first day of school I received these two awesome surprises from one of my lovely kiddos!
Despite some challenges and my new-to-the-school teacher growing pains, this was the best first week of school ever!!
I can already tell the I have some pretty amazing families to work with this year!
I also have some pretty fabulous coworkers!!
The sense of community and thoughtfulness for one another is overwhelming to me!
Although this is year 5, I'm definitely not accustomed to the level of teamwork and support my new school has provided.
I'm already feeling so blessed and grateful!!
This was a card I received from our Intervention Specialist on Thursday.
At the end of Art class, our Art teacher picks one student from each class and writes their name on the board.
Except, he doesn't just write it.
He draws it graffiti style in pieces and has the kids guess the name he is drawing.
It was pretty amazing!
I didn't have a clue what he was doing because when I walked in there were just a few lines spread across the board and the kids were guessing names.
Gradually he began to fill in the board and one of my kiddos names appeared!
Talk about the 7 habits and beginning with the end in mind- prime example!
Here's one of the *very few* snapshots I actually got around to taking this week!
We were working on our silent puzzles from Amy Lemon's FANTASTIC Unit Let's Get Started!
On another note...
I never got around to posting a Peek at my Week last Sunday.
We were a little too busy spending our last day of summer at the water park and eating ice cream!
If you're interested, you can take a peek here.
I'll post next week's lesson plans tomorrow!

So, how was your week?!


  1. Isn't it nice to have lovely coworkers. The gals at my school are great and I LOVE my new grade level teachers. They're amazing :)

    Little In Betweens

    1. Oh my goodness, it's AMAZING!! It makes a world of difference to have such a wonderful support staff. Definitely makes a hard day bearable! So glad you're lovin' your new team as well!
